
Welcome to my personal webpage. On this site you’ll find my astrophotography work and information about my professional profile and collaborations.

I am Aleix Roig. I live in Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain) where I have the Astrocat Observatory.

I work in astronomy management and outreach at Parc Astronòmic Muntanyes de Prades @parcastroprades and Mizar Xperience @mizarxperience . Our project focuses on astrotourism and the protection of the dark sky.

I would like to thank my wife and my family for all their support, and to all the people that inspired and helped me along the way. Now more than ever “if we have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants” (Sir Isaac Newton).

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All images, videos and content of this website are copyrighted © Aleix Roig Mateu.









recent uploads

Connecting the double arch, 41ºN

Connecting the double arch, 41ºN

This panoramic image, composed of 12 individual images, shows the SAR (Stable Auroral Red arc) as well as the Milky Way as it was starting to rise above the horizon. The connection point is the Baltasana Communication Station, a strategic point of view with sights all...

Aurora Borealis from home, 41ºN

Aurora Borealis from home, 41ºN

What a great night. Aurora borealis visible with the naked eye from my home, in Prades, as low as 41ºN (south of Catalonia, north east of Spain). The wide field image shows the SAR (Stable Auroral Red arc) as well as a greenish aurora at the lower part of the image....

The Witch Head nebula, IC 2118

The Witch Head nebula, IC 2118

In the Eridanus constellation, and close to the Orion constellation, we find a very interesting and pretty faint reflection nebula, IC 2118. Also known as the Witch Head nebula, IC 2118 is believed to be made of gas, and dust and is about 50 light-years across....


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