Welcome to my personal webpage. On this site you’ll find my astrophotography work and information about my professional profile and collaborations.
I am Aleix Roig. I live in Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain) where I have the Astrocat Observatory.
I work in astronomy management and outreach at Parc Astronòmic Muntanyes de Prades @parcastroprades and Mizar Xperience @mizarxperience . Our project focuses on astrotourism and the protection of the dark sky.
I would like to thank my wife and my family for all their support, and to all the people that inspired and helped me along the way. Now more than ever “if we have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants” (Sir Isaac Newton).
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All images, videos and content of this website are copyrighted © Aleix Roig Mateu.
recent uploads
Ha emissions around the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434
I would like to share with you last night's image of the Horsehead Nebula (starless version) under a 85% crescent Moon. I captured 2h 45' of super narrowband data with my Antlia 3nm Ha filter and the FSQ106 EDX4. I'm quite surprised how much detail has shown up in...
The Running Man Nebula, NGC 1977
Probably the most popular deep sky nebula, the Orion Nebula (M42), is a wide HII region where hundreds of new stars are born. This stars nursery is located around 1,300 light years from Earth and it's estimated to be around 24 light years across. Together with M42 we...
A Deep Triangulum Galaxy Surrounded by IFN
Last fall 2023 I captured several tens of hours of images on the Triangulum galaxy, Messier 33, that I processed this January 2025 from scratch. I used the popular broadband approach (LRGB), but also gathered more than 100 hours in narrow band filters, Ha and [OIII],...
© Copyright 2017 - 2025 | All images, videos and content copyright © Aleix Roig Mateu