The North America nebula, NGC7000, is a large HII region located in the Cygnus constellation some 2,590 light-years away from Earth. Several dust lanes obscure this rich emission region that spans for several full moons across the field of view.
Next to NGC7000 we find another interesting deep sky object, IC5070, also called the Pelican Nebula. Several Herbig-Haros can be found in this emission nebulae.
At the bottom of the image, IC5068, shows some nice details giving a twist to the full image.
To capture this image I used two narrow band filters, Halpha and Oxygen III. Star colors have been captured using R,G,B broadband filters.
The image has been captured from my backyard observatory located in a small village 2h south from Barcelona, Prades. Located some 1,000 meters above the sea level it has a quite dark night sky (Bortle 3/4) that delivers some privileged views of the faint deep sky targets. Seeing is usually below 2″, something that helps to pull out some small details of the images.
The full image covers an area of 27 full moons (6 x 9) at a resolution of 2.59″/pixel.
Thanks for your time on this website.
Image Details
RGB: (20,20,20) x 60″ (1h)
Ha: 63 x 300″ (5h15′)
[OIII]: 20×300″ (1h40′)
Calibrated with darks, flats. dark-flats.
Total exposure: 7h55′
Moon at 20%
Image resolution: 2.59”/pixel
FOV (full image): 4º27′ x 2º58′
FRA300 + ASI2600MM + LRGB ZWO filters + ZWO EFW 7 pos + ZWO EAF
ZWO AM5 mount
Guiding with ASI120MM and ZWO Mini Guide Scope
ASI Air software, APP, PIX, TPZ, LR, PS.
Aleix Roig, August 2022
Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain).