The Cygnus Loop is an amazing nebulae complex located in the Cygnus constellation. It’s composed by several bright emission nebulae such as NGC 6960 and NGC6992, and also by some other faint nebulae.

This nebula is a supernova remnant which exploded some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago.

The image is the first light of my new portable setup composed by:

Askar FRA 300 Pro

ASI2600MM + LRGB SHO ZWO filters

ZWO AM5 mount, EAF, EFW 7 pos., ASI AIR Plus

The high performance of this super light setup just amazed me. The image I got is the shortest monochrome image I’ve ever taken. Despite the noticeable noise that I already expected, I was able to capture several faint details with less than 20 minute exposure in each narrow band filter (Halpha and Oxygen).

Disclaimer: this is not a promoted post, even though I got all the new materials from Askar and ZWO at a good price in order to study its performance.

I’ll share a full review on Youtube thanks to Astrotivissa (Marc). Stay tuned on social networks @astrocatinfo

Thanks for your time on this website.

Image Details


RGB: (10,6,10) x 60″ (26′)

Ha: 4 x 300″ (20′)

[OIII]: 4×300″ (20′)


Calibrated with darks


Total exposure: 1h 06′


Moon at 1%

Image resolution: 2.59”/pixel

FOV (full image): 4º48′ x 3º (original FOV)


FRA300 + ASI2600MM + LRGB ZWO filters + ZWO EFW 7 pos + ZWO EAF

ZWO AM5 mount


Guiding with ASI120MM and ZWO Mini Guide Scope


ASI Air software, APP, PIX, TPZ, PS.

Aleix Roig, August 2022
Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain).

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