The Lynd’s Dark Nebula 1622, also known as Boogeyman Nebula, can be found in the Orion constellation very close to other well known nebulae such as the M78 nebula or the popular Great Orion Nebula (M42). The LDN 1622 shows an intricate silhouette mostly composed of dark nebulae. Complex structures of dust that can be detected through the use of long exposures with broad band filters.
Surrounding this dark nebulae we see the prominent structure of the Barnard’s Loop Nebulae. This emission nebula is composed of huge HII regions that can be easily detected by the use of narrow band Ha filters.
To capture this +40 hours exposure image I used my dual refractor setup composed of two Takajashi FSQ telescopes (FSQ85 and FSQ106). With the small one, the FSQ85, I acquired the narrow band data (Ha) at lower resolution (2.91″/pixel). With the FSQ106 EDX4 I acquired the broadband data (Luminance and R,G,B) at a higher resolution (1.46″/pixel). Both sets of data have been processed altogether with Pixinsight (80% of the processing) as well as other processing softwares. The resulting image shows both the emission and dark/bright nebulae as well as the field of stars (RGB natural color calibrated with Pixinsight).
Thanks for taking your time on this site.
Image Details
L: 186 x 300″ (15h30′)
RGB: (18,18,18) x 300″ (4h30′)
Ha: 243 x 300″ (20h15′)
Calibrated with darks, flats and dark-flats.
Total exposure: 40h 15′
Moon at 15% (on average)
Image resolution: 1.46”/pixel
FOV (full image): 2º31′ x 1º40′ (more than 8 full moons)
FSQ106 EDX4 + ASI2600MM + LRGB Astrodon filters + Ha3nm Antlia – with ZWO EFW 7 pos
FSQ85 + ASI294MM + SHO LRGB Baader filters – with ZWO EFW 8 pos
Mesu200 mount
Guiding with ASI120MM and ZWO Mini Guide Scope
Aleix Roig, April 2022
Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain).
Full HD view on Astrobin.