The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust that emits in multiple wavelengths. It can be located in the Cepheus constellation some 2,400 light years away from Earth.
The main structure shown in this image is known as the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, IC 1396, an amazing 20 light-years long emission nebulae.
This image shows the Hα emission data as captured with the use of an Hα filter in front of the astronomical camera. Stars have been removed to enhance the nebula details. Only 3h were needed to obtain this contrasted image.
Image Details
Hα: 36×300″
All images at 120Gain -15ºC bin2
Calibrated with 50 flats, 50 darks, 50 biasTotal exposure: 3h
Average darkness: 21 mag/arcsec2
Image resolution: 2.12”/pixel
FSQ85ED telescope
Mesu200 mount
ASI294MM Pro camera with ZWO EFW 8 pos
Guiding with ASI174MC and ZWO OAG
Baader filters
Aleix Roig, July 2021.
Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain).
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