Namibia has been one of my favourite astronomy destinations. In the past years I was able to spend several days and weeks there. Back in 2022 I captured a landscape image during the last hours of the night when the Milky Way was setting behind the horizon. This 2024, from the same place (Tivoli Astrofarm) I captured several tens of images in order to go deeper in the Milky Way image details. I used the Move-Shoot-Move Nomad star tracker that worked perfectly to track the stars during almost 3 hours. The resulting image is a composite image made of the two layers, one captured in 2022 and the other one in 2024.
Thanks for your time on this website.

Image Details

Milky Way image 2024:

Lights 178 x 60″ = 2h 58′
Sigma Art 24mm f/2.0
Sony A7S 1600ISO

Landscape image 2022:

1 single 25″ image
Samyang 14mm f/2.8
Sony A7S 6400ISO

Location: Tivoli Astrofarm, Namibia.

Darkness: 22.15 mag/arcsec2


Lens: Samyang 14mm + Sigma Art 24mm

Camera: Sony A7S mod



Aleix Roig – Tivoli Astrofarm (Namibia), September 2024.



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