The nebula is one of the most studied and photographed objects in the night sky. It spans an area of about 3 degrees in the sky, which is approximately six times the diameter of the full moon. However, due to its low surface brightness, it can be challenging to observe without specialized equipment or under ideal dark-sky conditions.

There are three main parts or segments of the Veil Nebula: the Eastern Veil (NGC 6992), the Western Veil (NGC 6960), and the Pickering’s Triangle (NGC 6979). These segments are named after the astronomers who first identified and cataloged them.

Observing the Veil Nebula requires using narrowband filters that isolate specific wavelengths of light emitted by the ionized gases. This helps enhance the contrast and visibility of the nebula against the background sky.

The Veil Nebula is a captivating celestial object that offers astronomers a glimpse into the explosive deaths of massive stars and the subsequent creation of new elements in the universe. Its intricate and delicate structures make it a favorite target for astrophotographers and a source of wonder for stargazers.

Nearly 10h hours of images were needed to capture this color image from my backyard observatory located in Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain) this June 2023. Its colors are the result of mapping the data captured with narrowband filters that capture the atomic hydrogen and oxygen for the nebulae filaments, in the so-called HOO natural color palette as follows: red (hydrogen), green (hydrogen), blue (oxygen). Broadband filters (R, G, B) have been used to capture the star’s colors.

The full image covers an area of 2º59′ x 4º01′ at a resolution of 2.59″/pixel.


Thanks for your time on this website.


Image Details

Ha: 48 x 300″ (4h)

[OIII]: 59×300″ (4h55′)

RGB: (30, 30, 30) x 30″ (45′)


Calibrated with darks, flats, dark-flats.


Total exposure: 9h40′


Average Moon phase at 40%

Image resolution: 2.59”/pixel

FOV (full image): 2º59′ x 4º01′


FRA300 + ASI2600MM + LRGB ZWO filters + ZWO EFW 7 pos + ZWO EAF

ZWO AM5 mount


Guiding with ASI120MM and ZWO Mini Guide Scope


ASI Air software, APP, PIX, TPZ, LR, PS.

Aleix Roig, June 2023
Prades (Tarragona, Catalonia – Spain).

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