Aurora Borealis over Ersfjordbotn

Aurora Borealis over Ersfjordbotn

Tonight, 27th of February 2025, the aurora borealis covered the Ersfjordbotn night sky. We are enjoying a wonderful, but warm, week in the north of Norway. Temperatures are around 2 degrees during the day melting the snow that usually covers the Artic Polar Circle...
Clouds of Hydrogen and IFN around NGC 281

Clouds of Hydrogen and IFN around NGC 281

The Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, is surrounded by clouds of gas and dust that can be detected by the use of deep integrations. This work aims to show a new view of this popular target by the use of broadband band filters (LRGB) and a super narrow band Hydrogen filter (3nm...
A Deep View of the Pacman Nebula with IFN

A Deep View of the Pacman Nebula with IFN

The Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, is surrounded by clouds of gas and dust that can be detected by the use of deep integrations. This work aims to show a new view of this popular target by the use of broadband band filters. I started capturing data for this project back in...
The Pacman Nebula Multiwavelength

The Pacman Nebula Multiwavelength

The Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, is an emission nebula located in the Cassiopeia constellation some 9,500 light-years away from Earth. It’s surrounded by clouds of gas and dust that can be detected by the use of different broadband and narrowband filters. I started...
Ha emissions around the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434

Ha emissions around the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434

I would like to share with you last night’s image of the Horsehead Nebula (starless version) under a 85% crescent Moon. I captured 2h 45′ of super narrowband data with my Antlia 3nm Ha filter and the FSQ106 EDX4. I’m quite surprised how much detail...
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