The Rosette Nebula, NGC 2237

The Rosette Nebula, NGC 2237

The Rosette Nebula, catalogued as Caldwell 49, is a large emission nebula located in the Monoceros constellation. We find several single nebulas within the Rosette with rich star forming regions such as NGC2237, NGC2238, NGC2239 and NGC2246. We also find, in its...
The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae, M8 & M20

The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae, M8 & M20

Located in the Sagittarius constellation and surrounded by thousands of stars, this popular region of our Milky Way galaxy hosts two bright nebulae that are really worth a visit, the Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20) Nebulae. Both nebulae were classified by the french...
M16 wide field image, an iconic deep sky target

M16 wide field image, an iconic deep sky target

The Eagle Nebula, also known as Messier 16 (in the center of the image), is surrounded by a huge HII region located some 7,000 light years away from the Earth. This image covers a region about 30 light years across. Thousands of Solar Systems could fit inside the...
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