A deep Triangulum galaxy

A deep Triangulum galaxy

Last fall I captured several tens of hours of images on the Triangulum galaxy, Messier 33. I used the popular broadband approach (LRGB), but also gathered more than 100 hours in narrow band filters in order to see the star forming regions and rich nebulae in this...
M101 deep field, 100 hours with a small telescope

M101 deep field, 100 hours with a small telescope

The M101 galaxy, also known as the Pinwheel galaxy, is a face-on spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Ursa Major, some 21 million light-years away from Earth. This image is the result of a 2 year scientific project between professional and amateur astronomers...
A 101h imaging of M101 with a small telescope

A 101h imaging of M101 with a small telescope

This image is the result of a 2 year scientific project between professional and amateur astronomers (PRO-AM). While a lot of time and effort is spent by amateur astronomers to obtain visually appealing images of astronomical objects, only few data is taken in such a...
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