Ha emissions around the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434

Ha emissions around the Horsehead Nebula, IC 434

I would like to share with you last night’s image of the Horsehead Nebula (starless version) under a 85% crescent Moon. I captured 2h 45′ of super narrowband data with my Antlia 3nm Ha filter and the FSQ106 EDX4. I’m quite surprised how much detail...
The Leo Quadruplet with tidal tail

The Leo Quadruplet with tidal tail

In the constellation of Leo we can find thousands of galaxies. Among all those three are very well known among professional and amateur astronomers, the so-called Leo Triplet. The three components of this group are M65, M66 and NGC 3628, known as the Hamburger Galaxy....
M44, the Beehive Cluster

M44, the Beehive Cluster

The Beehive Cluster, M44, also known as Praesepe, is one of the closest star clusters to our solar system. It’s located in the Cancer constellation some 600 light-years away from Earth. The cluster is easily visible to the naked eye under a dark sky like Prades...
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