The Pleiades star cluster

The Pleiades star cluster

The Seven Sisters, or The Pleiades (Messier 45), is one of those celestial objects that most people can recognize in the autumn and winter northern night sky. Easily distinguishable at naked eye in the Taurus constellation, this star cluster shows its Seven Sisters...
The Pleiades wide field

The Pleiades wide field

The Pleiades open cluster, also known as M45, are slowly destroying part of a huge cloud of gas and dust. This young cloud of gas is thought to be the part of Gpuld’s belt. An active star forming region close to our Solar System. Not being part of the open...
Summer vs Winter, Pla de la Guàrdia

Summer vs Winter, Pla de la Guàrdia

Same place, different night sky. While the summer night sky offers some amazing views of the Galactic Center, the winter sky hosts some amazing nebulae such as the Orion Cloud Complex. This short comparison is composed by two images captured this 2021 from the same...
Clouds of Andromeda

Clouds of Andromeda

A deep integration time on a wide field image of Andromeda Galaxy (M31), using an Ha filter, shows an amazing view that has been recently called the Clouds of Andromeda. A faint structure of Galactic Cirrus, part of our Milky Way. The image covers a diagonal that...
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