Cygnus Loop Nebula, test image

Cygnus Loop Nebula, test image

The Cygnus Loop is an amazing nebulae complex located in the Cygnus constellation. It’s composed by several bright emission nebulae such as NGC 6960 and NGC6992, and also by some other faint nebulae. This nebula is a supernova remnant which exploded some 10,000...
Sharpless-308: The Dolphin Nebula and its Wolf-Rayet star

Sharpless-308: The Dolphin Nebula and its Wolf-Rayet star

Not far from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, this cosmic scape shows the effects of several energetic events blown by the massive Wolf-Rayet star WR 6, located in the Cannis Majoris constellation. Sharpless-308, also known as the Dolphin Nebula, seems to...
LDN 1622 and the Barnard’s Loop

LDN 1622 and the Barnard’s Loop

The Lynd’s Dark Nebula 1622, also known as Boogeyman Nebula, can be found in the Orion constellation very close to other well known nebulae such as the M78 nebula or the popular Great Orion Nebula (M42). The LDN 1622 shows an intricate silhouette mostly composed...
The Rosette Nebula narrow band

The Rosette Nebula narrow band

The Rosette Nebula, NGC 2237,  is a large and amazing HII region located in the Monoceros constellation. The nebula lays some 5.000 light years away from us and measures 130 light years in diameter spanning over 5 times the angular diameter of a full moon. In the core...
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